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Katedra Systemów Zarządzania
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Seminarium KSZiRO - 8.05.2024

Data: 01.05.2024

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Prof. Rainer Hegselmann jest członkiem Uniwersytetu Bayreuth oraz Centrum Badawczego Modelowania i Symulacji (MODUS), które kiedyś założył, profesorem zwyczajny we Frankfurckiej Szkole Finansów i Zarządzania.

Tytuł wystąpienia: Philosophy and Economics: Idea and implementation of a degree programme at the University of Bayreuth

Seminarium odbędzie się w języku angielskim.


Abstract: In 2000, the  Bachelor's and Master's programmes in Philosophy & Economics were officially opened at the University of Bayreuth. The basic idea behind the programme is simple: To teach graduates how to apply analytical rigour in solving intricate decision-making problems.

It is clear that we urgently need people with this ability. It should be equally clear that economics has much to contribute to a programme based on this educational idea. As for my own subject, philosophy, many people will ask whether it has anything useful to contribute. After all, philosophy has always had a bad press: Perhaps just good as far as its questions are concerned, but decidedly bad as far as even halfway uncontroversial answers are concerned. In my talk, I will first argue that engaging with philosophical problems trains and develops skills that are crucial for tackling difficult decision-making problems with analytical rigour. The second part of my talk will be devoted to the curricular details of the Bachelor's and Master's programmes in Philosophy & Economics as they were introduced at the University of Bayreuth almost 25 years ago. I will look at the careers of graduates. I will conclude with some retrospective reflections on the factors and conditions that favoured the success of the programme at that time.


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